November 10, 2007

Restaurant Review - Marathon, Windsor ON.

Windsor has a diverse community and it is represented in its restaurants. Though our community is a bit big box and pub food happy, the level of restaurants owned by local residents is usually first-rate.

One of my favourite restaurants in Windsor is Marathon Ethiopian restaurant which is located in the downtown core. Unfortunately when I mention this to people I often get a few inappropriate comments or jokes. Too bad for them that they choose not to experience the robust spices and warm atmosphere that are incorporated into the experience when dining at Marathon.

Right now I am stuck on their Vegetarian Platter with Injera. My favourites are the Aziffa (lentils with onion, chilies, olive oil and lemon) or the At Ket Wat (carrot and potatoes roasted with turmeric).

Windsor Eats recently posted a great review that further details all the hard work that goes into preparing these dishes and running the restaurant.


Anonymous said...

I couldn't agree more. One of Windsor's most unknown/under rated restaurants.

Anonymous said...

i'm stuck on the meat combo platter. I love it!! thanks for the link danielle!

christine said...

I had been to Marathon a long time ago, when I was still a student at U of W. When I moved back a few mths ago, I was afraid that they are closed down, like many rest. ard the university. It's good to know that they are still around :)