December 22, 2008

Cooking Club II - Winter Theme

The membership of our second cooking club has been revamped. Lisa and Jordana had to bail due to work and school. We were sad to see them go, but quite happy to welcome our new member Amarjot!

Jillian hosted our latest meeting and the theme was Winter. It could have been squash with the number of dishes we had that included this lovely veg. Yum.

ridiculously strong, would recommend adding more champs and less vodka
beautifully aromatic
a nice twist on the original, would work well at parties
Suzanne - Butternut Squash Latkes
I love latkes in all their forms.
Yum, this would make a great side dish at any meal
Christine - Zucchini Quiche
A light version that tastes decadent
Mine were a bit heavy because the oil wasn't hot enough. I will make again - molasses was fab!

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